'************************************* ' A macro to insert your keywords into a document. Reads KEYS.CSV, created by KeyCollector. '************************************* Sub MAIN FileNew .NewTemplate = 0, .Template = "normal.dot" FormatTabs .Position = "", .DefTabs = "0.5" + Chr$(34), .Align = 0, .Leader = 0, .ClearAll FormatTabs .Position = "1.5" + Chr$(34), .DefTabs = "0.5" + Chr$(34), .Align = 0, .Leader = 0, .Set FormatTabs .Position = "3" + Chr$(34), .DefTabs = "0.5" + Chr$(34), .Align = 0, .Leader = 0, .Set FormatParagraph .Alignment = 0, .LeftIndent = "3" + Chr$(34), .RightIndent = "0" + \ Chr$(34), .FirstIndent = "-3" + Chr$(34), .Before = "2 pt", .After = "0 li", .LineSpacing = \ "0 li", .PageBreak = 0, .KeepWithNext = 0, .KeepTogether = 0, .NoLineNum = 0 Dim a$, b$, c$, done, n Open "keys.csv" For Input As #1 Insert "Key Word" + Chr$(9) + "Filename" + Chr$(9) + "Topic title" InsertPara StartOfDocument : ParaDown 1, 1 FormatCharacter .Bold = 1 ParaDown done = 0 While done = 0 Read #1, a$, b$, c$ done = Eof(1) Insert a$ + Chr$(9) + c$ + Chr$(9) + b$ InsertPara Wend Begin Dialog UserDialog 490, 66, "Keyword Sorting" Text 10, 6, 451, 13, "Would you like to sort the file by keyword, or leave it as is?" PushButton 94, 30, 143, 21, "Sort by keyword" PushButton 254, 30, 143, 21, "Leave unsorted" End Dialog Dim dlg As UserDialog n = Dialog(dlg) Select Case n Case 0 Case 2 Goto nuthin Case 1 sortdoc nuthin: End Select End Sub Sub sortdoc StartOfDocument 1 ParaDown 1, 1 ToolsSorting .Order=0,.Type=0,.Separator=0,.SortColumn=0, \ .CaseSensitive = 0 End Sub